Tournament listings FAQ

Q: How do I find football tournaments near me?

A: Team Managers can use the country-wide map of football tournaments. Just look on the map near your location – the tournament map pins are clickable so you can place an enquiry quickly. There is also a version of the map for London football tournaments. There are some helpful controls on the top left hand side of the map :-

Four controls at top left of map are in ascending order - 1. Zoom in, 2. Zoom out, 3. Full Screen view, 4. Re-centre on me
Map pins are clickable so you can place an enquiry quickly

In full screen mode you can zoom with the mouse-wheel and drag with one finger on mobile devices. When the map is not shown full screen, mouse-wheel zoom also requires Ctrl to be pressed and on mobile devices, touch dragging requires two-finger drag.

Q: What are Colts football tournaments?

A: “Colts” tournaments are for teams that do not play in the highest divisions of their League. Colts tournaments and festivals are listed so that Team Managers can compare them. Some organisers have entry requirements like the team must not play in Division 1, while other Tournament Organisers specify must not play in the top three divisions. So it is important to confirm with the organiser what the policy is for the specific tournament. Sometimes Tournament Organisers stream their events so that a Colts tournament runs alongside other streams.

If you are a Tournament Organiser you’ll find Team Managers can add “Colts” status to their enquiry emails to get the heads up early on in the sales process.

Q: Have you any tournaments for weaker teams?

A: Yes, on listings website there is a way for team managers of weaker teams to find suitable festivals or tournaments. They are known as “Colts” tournaments. Sometimes these play alongside other grassroots tournaments when the organiser streams different sections of their event. Colts tournaments and festivals are listed so that Team Managers can compare them. Often I highlight the Colts streams with the green coloured text.

If you are a Tournament Organiser you’ll find Team Managers can add “Colts” status to their enquiry emails so you will get the heads up early on in the sales process.

Q: What does “Sold By” mean?

A: All the tournaments listed on are organised by football clubs or academies. The financial transaction is with the organiser, not the listing site.

Q: Can profit making commercial companies list football tournaments?

A: Yes, as long as they are sanctioning the tournament with the FA directly or via their County FA, Schools FA or other authorised sanctioning body. There are several academies and commercial companies that organise tournaments and advertise on my site. By affiliating and sanctioning correctly, teams from football clubs may play at these events.

Q: Is a non-affiliated football organisation eligible to list a football tournament?

A: No. We only list tournaments run by organisers affiliated to the FA directly or via their County FA, Schools FA or other authorised sanctioning body. A non-affiliated festival or tournament wouldn’t find it worth your while listing because all football clubs (and their teams) in England are bound by England FA law which prevents them participating in non-affiliated games. That means the entry registrations would likley be very low or non-existent.

Q: Where are six a side football tournaments this summer?

A: Here is a list of Tournaments playing 6-a-side at all age groups. These types of tournaments are surprisingly rare. There will be many other tournaments listed on this site which play 6 a side in some of their age groups, but not all age groups. As some age groups play different size teams, the tournaments are not on my 6-a-side list. For this reason it is always worth reading the team size for your specific age group on other tournaments.

Q: Can I promote other tournament related service?

A:  Yes, if you are promoting services to festival or Tournament organisers (eg first aid, refereeing, catering, event insurance) then adverts are accepted in the section called “For Tournament Directors”. Contact Sales here.

Q: How can I re-schedule the tournament date?

A: I can help Tournament Organisers to manage communicating with attendees when Covid-19 causes a postponement or reschedule of the date. Please read more about my Covid-19 policy.

Q: Can Organisers specify where the Tournament map marker goes?

A: Yes but normally I work out where to drop the marker pin on the tournament map. As postcodes may cover a wide area, visiting teams can zoom in on this map to get the precise location to get access to the venue. Its intended to help car drivers to the entrance of the venue so players don’t arrive delayed. However if a Tournament Organiser has a reason for an alternative specific point marked on the map, its just a question of providing me the Longitude and Latitude to me. There is a comprehensive guide for Tournament Organisers here.